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Saburo Matunaga Researcher Information

Family Name 松永  Matunaga 
First Name 三郎  Saburo 
Status Resigned or Graduated
Specialized Field Others (Space Robotics, Small Satellite System, Space Systems Engineering, Multibody Dynamics and Control)
Research Theme Space Systems Engineering, Small Satellite Systems Development, Launch and Operation, Space Robotics, In-Orbit Servicing, Space Tether Applications, Multibody Dynamics and Control 
Degree 知的適応構造物を用いた大型宇宙構造物の建設法について,  Thesis,  Doctor of Engineering,  the University of Tokyo,  1991/--/--, 
Research Highlight Yoichi Yatsu, Nobuyuki Kawai, Saburo Matunaga. Development of new Earth cameras and Star trackers utilizing the Deep Learning. 2018-2018.
Demonstration of low-cost, high-sensitive, and robust Earth cameras and star trackers by utilizing t....

Yoichi Yatsu, Saburo Matunaga, Nobuyuki Kawai. 大学発超小型人工衛星「TSUBAME」打ち上げ成功・運用開始. 2009-2015.

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