Publication List - Sohei Serita (2 / 9 entries)
Journal Paper
Ishizu, K.,
Ogawa, Y.,
Tseng, K.H.,
Kunitomo, T.,
Kitaoka, N.,
Caldwell, T.G.,
Minami, T.,
Serita, S.,
Ichihara, H.,
Bertrand, E.A.,
Heise, W..
Controlled-source electromagnetic survey in a volcanic area: relationship between stacking time and signal-to-noise ratio and comparison with magnetotelluric data,
Geophysical Journal International,
Dec. 2024.
International Conference (Not reviewed / Unknown)
Ishizu, K.,
Ogawa, Y.,
Kitaoka, N.,
Tseng, K.H.,
Serita, S.,
Minami, T.,
Ichihara, H.,
Kunitomo, T.,
Caldwell, G.,
Bertrand, E.A.,
Heise, W..
Controlled-source electromagnetic survey for investigating Kusatsu-Shirane volcano, Japan,
EMIW 2024,
Sept. 2024.
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