Publication List - Toshiaki Fukui (2 / 173 entries)
Journal Paper
Gabriele Di Stadio,
Izumi Orita,
Ryuhei Nakamura,
Toshiaki Fukui.
Gas fermentation combined with water electrolysis for production of polyhydroxyalkanoate copolymer from carbon dioxide by engineered Ralstonia eutropha,
Bioresource Technology,
Vol. 394,
Feb. 2024.
Official location
Kai-Hee Huong,
Izumi Orita,
Toshiaki Fukui.
Microaerobic insights into production of polyhydroxyalkanoates containing 3-hydroxyhexanoate via native reverse β-oxidation from glucose in Ralstonia eutropha H16,
Microbial Cell Factories,
Vol. 23,
Jan. 2024.
Official location
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