Publication List - Satoshi Chiba (3 / 394 entries)
Journal Paper
F. A. Ivanyuk,
C. Ishizuka,
S. Chiba.
Five-dimensional Langevin approach to fission of atomic nucle,
Mar. 2024.
Yuta Mukobara,
Toshiya Sanami,
Akira Ono,
Tsunenori Inakura,
Tastuya Katabuchi,
Satoshi Chiba,
Chikako Ishizuka.
Mean-field dependence of fragment-production cross sections in heavy-ion induced reactions calculated by antisymmetrized molecular dynamics,
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology,
Feb. 2024.
A. Tudora,
K. Fujio,
C. Ishizuka,
S. Chiba.
Prompt emission calculations for 239Pu(nth,f) with the DSE model code and a pre-neutron fragment distribution Y(A,TKE) based on the four-dimensional Langevin model,
The European Physical Journal A,
Feb. 2024.
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