Publication List - Ahmed Makhlouf (2 / 2 entries)
Journal Paper
Ahmed Makhlouf,
Mahmoud Sharaan,
Mustafa El-Rawy,
Shinjiro Kanae,
Mona G Ibrahim.
Investigating the effects of surface water recharge on groundwater quality using hydrochemistry and ANFIS model: A case study Minia Governorate, Egypt,
Journal of Environmental Management,
Volume 362,
June 2024.
Official location
Ahmed Makhlouf,
Mustafa El-Rawy,
Shinjiro Kanae,
Mona G Ibrahim,
Mahmoud Sharaan.
Integrating MODFLOW and machine learning for detecting optimum groundwater abstraction considering sustainable drawdown and climate changes,
Journal of Hydrology,
Volume 637,
May 2024.
Official location
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