Publication List - Kenichiro Tanaka (4 / 49 entries)
Journal Paper
Takashi Goda,
Yoshihito Kazashi,
Ken'ichiro Tanaka.
How Sharp Are Error Bounds? –Lower Bounds on Quadrature Worst-Case Errors for Analytic Functions–,
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,
Oct. 2024.
Official location
Tomoya Kamijima,
Shun Sato,
Kansei Ushiyama,
Takayasu Matsuo,
Ken'ichiro Tanaka.
Analysis of continuous dynamical system models with Hessians derived from optimization methods,
JSIAM Letters,
May 2024.
Official location
Yoshihiro Kogure,
Ken'ichiro Tanaka.
Wavelet characterization of exponentially weighted Besov space with dominating mixed smoothness and its application to function approximation,
Journal of Approximation Theory,
Mar. 2024.
Official location
Satoshi Hayakawa,
Ken'ichiro Tanaka.
Convergence analysis of approximation formulas for analytic functions via duality for potential energy minimization,
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Jan. 2024.
Official location
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