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English:Revitalization of Local Areas through Increasing International Students: A Cross Analysis of the Joint Efforts by Municipal Governments and Universities 
Japanese: 佐藤由利子, 橋本博子.  
English: Yuriko Sato, Hiroko Hashimoto.  
Language Japanese 
Journal/Book name
English:Comparative Education 
Volume, Number, Page     No. 43    pp. 131-153
Published date June 25, 2011 
English:Japan Comparative Education Society 
Conference name
Conference site
Official URL http://www.gakkai.ne.jp/jces/journal43.html
Abstract When compared to metropolitan areas, local areas have several disadvantages in trying to attract international students. They all face common phenomena including an aging population, a smaller number of companies and less employment opportunities, as well as the widening gap with the metropolitan areas. Many international students prefer to study in a metropolitan city, seeking a more exciting environment and better employment opportunities. Despite this, local areas can actually provide several merits for international students such as inexpensive living costs, a rich natural environment, traditional local culture and better support provided jointly by the municipal government, universities and local communities. Both in Australia and Japan, several municipalities have started working with local universities to attract and support international students. In this paper, the authors attempt to cross analyze these joint efforts in the two countries based on the following hypotheses: 1. Larsen and Vincent-Lancrin named the internationalization of higher education in English speaking countries as “commercial approach”, while that in non English speaking countries was named “cultural approach”. This difference would be reflected in the efforts by the municipal governments in Australia (English speaking country) and Japan (non English speaking country). 2. The needs for internationalization and vitalization through international students would differ according to ethnic diversity and aging of the regional population. This difference would be reflected on the joint efforts. 3. The expectation towards international students would differ according to the regional economic composition. This would be reflected on the joint efforts. The authors analyzed the cases of the Australian State of South Australia (SA), and Oita, Akita, Fukuoka, Hiroshima and Shizuoka prefectures in Japan and tested these hypotheses.

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