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English:Active-Bending Six-Bar Tensegrity Modular Robot Driven by Thin Artificial Muscles 
Japanese: 小林亮太, 難波江裕之, 鈴森康一.  
English: Ryota Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Nabae, Koichi Suzumori.  
Language English 
Journal/Book name
English:IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 
Volume, Number, Page Volume 8    Issue 11    Page 7400 - 7407
Published date Sept. 14, 2023 
Conference name
Conference site
Official URL https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10251669
DOI https://doi.org/10.1109/LRA.2023.3315537
Abstract Significant progress has been achieved in the development of tensegrity robots with rolling capabilities. However, because rolling robots operate passively due to gravity, they are limited to certain environments. So, our aim is to enhance the versatility of tensegrity robots by modularizing a six-bar tensegrity structure, enabling the robot to operate in more diverse environments. Thus far, we have developed an active and large stretch module and a torsion module with six-bar tensegrity. In this study, we present the design and development of an active and large-bend module for a six-bar tensegrity robot using thin McKibben muscles. Similar to the stretch module developed previously, we employed the 4/3 muscle winding method to create the bend module. This approach enabled approximately 45 deg bending in six different directions. The arrangement of artificial muscles within the bend module is identical to that in the stretch module, allowing not only bending but also stretching and contracting. Further, we successfully constructed a tensegrity arm with bending functionality to demonstrate the capabilities of the bend module. We also conducted a pick-and-place demonstration using the arm to demonstrate the potential application of the bend module.

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