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YOSHIHIRO OKUNO Researcher Information

Family Name 奥野  OKUNO 
First Name 喜裕  YOSHIHIRO 
Organization Institute of Science Tokyo School of Engineering
ResearcherID D-1148-2015
Specialized Field Energy engineering (Energy Studies)
Power engineering/Power conversion/Electric machinery (Electric Power Engineering/Electric Equipment Engineering)
Plasma science (Plasma Science)
Research Theme Energy Conversion, Electrical Power Generation, Plasma Science and Technology 
Degree 高エンタルピー抽出ディスク型非平衡MHD発電機の性能,  Thesis,  Doctor of Engineering,  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  1987/03/26,    (Organization name: Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Related Page
Personal Homepage URLhttp://www.okuno.mech.e.titech.ac.jp/

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