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Takanori Shirokura Researcher Information

Family Name 白倉  Shirokura 
First Name 孝典  Takanori 
Organization Tokyo Institute of Technology Institute of Innovative Research
Degree Research on a pure spin current source using YPtBi topological semimetal and its device applications,  Summary,  Doctor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2022/12/31,   
Research on a pure spin current source using YPtBi topological semimetal and its device applications,  Thesis,  Doctor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2022/12/31, 
Research on a pure spin current source using YPtBi topological semimetal and its device applications,  Exam Summary,  Doctor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2022/12/31,   
Research on a pure spin current source using YPtBi topological semimetal and its device applications,  Outline,  Doctor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2022/12/31,   

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