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Yasutomo Takano Researcher Information

Family Name 高野  Takano 
First Name 泰朋  Yasutomo 
Status Resigned or Graduated
Degree Application of Bibliometrics for Management of Technology and Science Policy: Case study of Internet of Things related technologies,  Thesis,  Doctor (Management of Technology),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2017/03/26, 
Application of Bibliometrics for Management of Technology and Science Policy: Case study of Internet of Things related technologies,  Summary,  Doctor (Management of Technology),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2017/03/26,   
Application of Bibliometrics for Management of Technology and Science Policy: Case study of Internet of Things related technologies,  Exam Summary,  Doctor (Management of Technology),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2017/03/26,   
Application of Bibliometrics for Management of Technology and Science Policy: Case study of Internet of Things related technologies,  Outline,  Doctor (Management of Technology),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2017/03/26,   

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