Publication List - Kazuhiro Fujishita (25 entries)
Journal Paper
Panumas Saingam,
Fatih Sutcu,
Yuki Terazawa,
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Pao^Chun Lin,
Oguz C. Celik,
Toru Takeuchi.
Composite behavior in RC buildings retrofitted using buckling-restrained braces with elastic frames,
Engineering Structures,
No. 219,
June 2020.
O.C Celik,
Experimental and analytical studies of sub-standard RC frames retrofitted with buckling-restrained braces and steel frames,
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering,
Jan. 2020.
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Ryota Matsui,
Fatih Sutcu,
Toru Takeuchi.
Response Evaluation of BRB Retrofit in RC Buildings by Considering the Composite Effect of Elastic Steel Frame,
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design,
Vol. 23,
No. 53,
pp. 147-152,
Feb. 2017.
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Ahmet Bal,
Fatih Sutcu,
Ryota Matsui,
Masao Terashima,
Oguz C. Celik,
Toru Takeuchi.
Cyclic Loading Tests of Sub-Standard RC Frames Retrofitted with Buckling Restrained Braces and Elastic Steel Frames,
J. Struct. Constr. Eng., AIJ,
Architectural Institute of Japan,
Vol. 81,
No. 727,
pp. 1575-1584,
Sept. 2016.
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Ryota Matsui,
Toru Takeuchi.
Optimization of damper arrangement with hybrid GA using elasto-plastic response analysis on seismic response control retrofit,
J. Struct. Constr. Eng., AIJ,
Architectural Institute of Japan,
Vol. 81,
No. 721,
pp. 537-546,
Mar. 2016.
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Ryota Matsui,
Toru Takeuchi.
Energy-Dissipation Retrofit Design Method for Multistory Asymmetric RC Building Using Dual Frame Models,
J. Struct Constr.Enj. AIJ,
Vol. 79,
No. 706,
pp. 1961-1971,
Dec. 2014.
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Sutcu Fatih,
Ryota Matsui,
Toru Takeuchi.
Energy-dissipation Retrofit for Turkish Multistory RC Building Focusing on Damage Distribution,
Journal of Structural and Constructional Engineering, AIJ,
Architectural Institute of Japan,
Vol. 79,
No. 699,
pp. 661-669,
May 2014.
International Conference (Reviewed)
Toru Takeuchi.
Comparing Hysteretic Behavior of RC Frames Retrofitted with Low-Yield-Point(LYP) Steel Core BRB and Perforated Steel Plate Shear Wall (PSPSW),
17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
2020 17WCEE Proceedings,
Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering,
No. 2g-0032,
Sept. 2020.
Fatih Sutcu,
Ahmet Bal,
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Oguz C. Celik,
Toru Takeuchi,
Ryota Matsui,
Masao Terashima,
Yasushi Maeda.
Near Full-Scale Experimental Investigation of Low-Standard RC Frames Retrofitted with Buckling Restrained Braces,
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Proceedings,
USB Memory,
Jan. 2017.
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Ahmet Bal,
Fatih Sutcu,
Oguz C. Celik,
Toru Takeuchi,
Ryota Matsui,
Masao Terashima.
Comparing Hysteretic Behavior of Buckling Restrained Braces(BRBs) with Bolted and Welded End Connections,
The 8th International Symposium on Steel Structures,
Proceedings of The 8th International Symposium on Steel Structures,
Nov. 2015.
Yusuke Kinouchi,
Toru Takeuchi,
Ryota Matsui,
Toshiyuki Ogawa,
Kazuhiro Fujishita.
Optimazation of Energy-Dissipation Devices Arrangement for Seismic Retrofit of Truss Tower Structures,
The 8th International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA'15),
Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas,
July 2015.
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Fatih Sutcu,
Ryota Matsui,
Toru Takeuchi.
Damage Distribution based Energy-Dissipation Retrofit Method for Multi Story RC Building in Turkey,
IABSE Conference Nara 2015,
Report of IABSE Conference Nara 2015,
May 2015.
International Conference (Not reviewed / Unknown)
Domestic Conference (Not reviewed / Unknown)
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Ryota Matsui,
Toru Takeuchi.
pp. 345-346,
Sept. 2018.
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Ryota Matsui,
Toru Takeuchi.
Optimal Damper Distribution for Seismic Retrofit by Multi Objective Optimization Implementing Non-linear Response Analysis,
2017年度 日本建築学会大会(中国),
日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 B-1分冊 構造I,
pp. 375-376,
Aug. 2017.
Panumas Saingam,
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Fatih Sutcu,
Ryota Matsui,
Toru Takeuchi.
Optimal Damper Distribution for Seismic Retrofit by Using A Hybrid GA and A Nonlinear Response Analysis,
2017年度 日本建築学会大会(中国),
日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 B-1分冊 構造I,
pp. 373-374,
Aug. 2017.
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Ahmet Bal,
Fatih Sutcu,
Ryota Matsui,
Masao Terashima,
Oguz C. Celik,
Toru Takeuchi.
制振部材および弾性フレームを付加した低耐力RC架構の繰返し載荷実験 その2,
2016年度 日本建築学会大会(九州),
日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 C-1分冊 構造III,
pp. 899-900,
Aug. 2016.
Ben Sitler,
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Ahmet Bal,
Fatih Sutcu,
Ryota Matsui,
Masao Terashima,
Oguz C. Celik,
Toru Takeuchi.
Comparing the Hysteretic Behavior of BRBs with Bolted and Welded End Connections,
2016年度 日本建築学会大会(九州),
日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 C-1分冊 構造III,
pp. 895-896,
Aug. 2016.
Fatih Sutcu,
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Ahmet Bal,
Ryota Matsui,
Masao Terashima,
Oguz C. Celik,
Toru Takeuchi.
制振部材および弾性フレームを付加した低耐力RC架構の繰返し載荷実験 その1,
2016年度 日本建築学会大会(九州),
日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 C-1分冊 構造III,
pp. 897-898,
Aug. 2016.
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Ryota Matsui,
Toru Takeuchi.
2015年度 日本建築学会大会(関東),
日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 C-1分冊 構造III,
pp. 989-990,
Sept. 2015.
Takashi Miyazaki,
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Fatih Sutcu,
Ryota Matsui,
Toru Takeuchi.
Energy Dissipation Retrofit for Multistory RC Building Focusing on Damage Distribution,
2014年度 日本建築学会大会(近畿),
日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 C-1分冊 構造III,
pp. 813-814,
Sept. 2014.
Kazuhiro Fujishita,
Yuki Matsuno,
Toru Takeuchi,
Ryota Matsui,
Osamu Nishi.
Seismic Response Control of Rack Warehouse Taking Slipping and Falling of Payload into Account Part 1 Experimental studies of Payload Falling and Response Control with TMD,
2013年度 日本建築学会大会(北海道),
日本建築学会学術講演梗概集 C-1分冊 構造Ⅲ,
pp. 1065-1066,
Aug. 2013.
Optimal Damper Distribution Method for Low-strength Multistory RC Buildings on Energy Dissipation Retrofit focusing on Damage Distribution,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Optimal Damper Distribution Method for Low-strength Multistory RC Buildings on Energy Dissipation Retrofit focusing on Damage Distribution,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Optimal Damper Distribution Method for Low-strength Multistory RC Buildings on Energy Dissipation Retrofit focusing on Damage Distribution,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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