駒田雅之 2020年 研究業績一覧 (2件 / 150件)
Mattioni A,
Boldt K,
Auciello G,
Rappoport JZ,
Ueffing M,
Castagnoli L,
Cesareni G,
Santonico E.,
Anna Mattioni,
Karsten Boldt,
Giulio Auciello,
Masayuki Komada,
Joshua Z Rappoport,
Marius Ueffing,
Luisa Castagnoli,
Gianni Cesareni,
Elena Santonico.
Ring Finger Protein 11 acts on ligand-activated EGFR via the direct interaction with the UIM region of ANKRD13 protein family.,
The FEBS Journal,
Vol. 287,
No. 16,
pp. 3526-3550,
Aug. 2020.
Satomi Naito,
Toshiaki Fukushima,
Akinori Endo,
Kimitoshi Denda,
Masayuki Komada.
Nik-related kinase is targeted for proteasomal degradation by the chaperone-dependent ubiquitin ligase CHIP,
FEBS Letters,
Mar. 2020.
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