水野眞治 2018年 研究業績一覧 (10件 / 142件)
Kuan Lu,
Shinji Mizuno,
Jianming Shi.
A Mixed Integer Programming Approach for the Minimum Maximal Flow,
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan,
Vol. 61,
No. 4,
Oct. 2018.
Shinji Mizuno,
Noriyoshi Sukegawa,
Antoine Deza.
An enhanced primal-simplex based Tardos' algorithm for linear optimization,
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan,
Apr. 2018.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Shinji Mizuno.
On the number of iterations of the simplex method for LP and the length of a path,
The Pacific Optimization Conference 2017,
Dec. 2018.
Shinji Mizuno.
The Simplex Method for LP and a Path of the Polyhedron,
The 6th Asian Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization,
Nov. 2018.
Kuan Lu,
Shinji Mizuno,
Jianming Shi.
Solving Optimization over the Efficient Set of a Multiobjective Nonlinear Programming as a Mixed Integer Problem,
The 13th International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications,
Aug. 2018.
Yotaro Takazawa,
Shinji Mizuno.
Approximation algorithms for covering problems,
First Conference on Discrete Optimization and Machine Learning,
July 2018.
Kuan Lu,
Shinji Mizuno,
Jianming Shi.
Solving Minimal Maximum Flow as a Mixed Integer Program,
INFORMS International Conference,
July 2018.
Yotaro Takazawa,
Shinji Mizuno,
Tomonari Kitahara.
Approximation Algorithms for the Covering-Type Linear Programming with Violations,
INFORMS International Conference,
June 2018.
Shinji Mizuno.
The Simplex Method for LP and the Length of a Path,
Optimization and Discrete Geometry : Theory and Practice,
Apr. 2018.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
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