川瀬利弘 2018年 研究業績一覧 (4件 / 84件)
Yuki Sato,
Toshihiro Kawase,
Kouji Takano,
Charles Spence,
Kenji Kansaku.
Body ownership and agency altered by an electromyographically controlled robotic arm,
Royal Society Open Science,
Royal Society,
Vol. 5,
No. 5,
May 2018.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Victor Barradas,
Toshihiro Kawase,
Yasuharu Koike.
Savings in muscle activation patterns during a virtual surgery task,
Society for the Neural Control of Movement 28th Annual Meeting (NCM2018),
May 2018.
Tagami, T.,
Kawase, T.,
Morisaki, D.,
Miyazaki, R.,
Miyazaki, T.,
Kanno, T.,
Kawashima, K.,
Toshihiro Kawase.
Development of Master-slave Type Lower Limb Motion Teaching System,
IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,
pp. 2762-2767,
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
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