奥村幸彦 2014年 研究業績一覧 (5件 / 14件)
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Kentaro Saito,
Tetsuro Imai,
Yukihiko Okumura.
2 GHz Band MIMO Channel Properties in Urban Small Cell Scenario in Crowded Area,
2014 IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall),
pp. 1-5,
Kentaro Saito,
Tetsuro Imai,
Koshiro Kitao,
Yukihiko Okumura.
Cluster Power Variation Estimation for MIMO Channel Modeling in Crowded Indoor Environment,
2014 IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall),
pp. 1-5,
Nobutaka Omaki,
Koshiro Kitao,
Kentaro Saito,
Tetsuro Imai,
Yukihiko Okumura.
Experimental study on elevation directional channel properties to evaluate performance of 3d-mimo at base station in microcell outdoor to indoor environment,
Electromagnetics (iWEM), 2014 IEEE International Workshop on,
pp. 219-220,
Kentaro Saito,
Tetsuro Imai,
Yukihiko Okumura.
Fading characteristics in the 26GHz band indoor quasi-static environment,
Electromagnetics (iWEM), 2014 IEEE International Workshop on,
pp. 135-136,
Kentaro Saito,
Tetsuro Imai,
Yukihiko Okumura.
Capacity Evaluation of MIMO Transmission in the 2GHz Band in Crowded Small-Cell Environment,
EurAAP, 8th Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
pp. 1-5,
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