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SUMIO WATANABE Researcher Information

Family Name 渡邊  WATANABE 
First Name 澄夫  SUMIO 
Organization Tokyo Institute of Technology (formerly TokyoTech)School of Computing
ResearcherID C-3880-2015
Specialized Field General mathematics (including Probability theory/ Statistical mathematics) (Mathematics and Information Science)
Others (Mathematical Learning Theory)
Degree 神経回路網援用超音波影像法による3次元物体認識,  Thesis,  Doctor of Engineering,  1993/--/--, 
Spectral analysis for multipole ghost,  Master of Science,  1984/--/--, 
Research Highlight SUMIO WATANABE. Highly Cited Paper: A widely applicable Bayesian information criterion. 2019-2019.
被引用回数上位1%論文に選ばれました。Sumio Watanabe, A widely applicable Bayesian information criterion. Journal of Ma....

SUMIO WATANABE. Highly Cited Paper: Asymptotic equivalence of Bayes Cross Validation and WAIC. 2017-.
被引用回数上位1%論文に選ばれました。Sumio Watanabe, Asymptotic Equivalence of Bayes Cross Validation and Widely Appli....

Masahiro Koujima, SUMIO WATANABE. ICANN Best Paper Award. 2017-2017.

SUMIO WATANABE. Information Criteria WAIC and WBIC. 2010-2016.
New Information Criteria WAIC and WBIC were devised, which are available for an arbitrary triple of ....

SUMIO WATANABE. Algebraic Geometry and Learning Theory. 2002-2017.
Based on algebraic geometry, new learning theory was established, which clarified statistical behavi....

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Personal Homepage URLhttp://watanabe-www.math.dis.titech.ac.jp/index-j.html

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