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Nobuyuki Kawai Researcher Information

Family Name 河合  Kawai 
First Name 誠之  Nobuyuki 
Status Resigned or Graduated
Specialized Field Particle/Nuclear/ Cosmic ray/Astro physics (Astrophysics)
Astronomy (Astronomy)
Research Theme Astronomy and astrophysics in general 
Degree Characteristics of the X-ray emission of the Rapid Burster (MXB 1733- 30),  Thesis,  Doctor of Science,  The University of Tokyo,  1985/--/--, 
X線パルサー A0535+26 の『はくちょう』による観測,  Master of Science,  The University of Tokyo,  1982/--/--, 
Research Highlight Yoichi Yatsu, Nobuyuki Kawai, Saburo Matunaga. Development of new Earth cameras and Star trackers utilizing the Deep Learning. 2018-2018.
Demonstration of low-cost, high-sensitive, and robust Earth cameras and star trackers by utilizing t....

Yoichi Yatsu, JUN KATAOKA, Nobuyuki Kawai. 共食いする「毒蜘蛛」中性子星 — 新種のパルサー発見に、日本の総力を結集 ー. 2012-2013.

Yoichi Yatsu, Saburo Matunaga, Nobuyuki Kawai. 大学発超小型人工衛星「TSUBAME」打ち上げ成功・運用開始. 2009-2015.

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